今回は、社外の方で、これまで私の人生に最も大きな影響を与えていただいている田坂広志氏の最新の著書『すべては導かれている―逆境を越え、人生を拓く五つの覚悟』(小学館)をご紹介しましょう。 これまでのお付き合いは20年くらい(本を通じてのお付き合いは30年近く)でしょうか。そもそもの出会いは私のつまらないミスがきっかけでした。私は(株)バベルの専務取締役として、1990年代、当時のほとんどの企業が目指していた、グローバル、そして、インターネットをキーワードに世界にどう打って出ようかと考えていた時期です。 当時から書店にいくたびに田坂氏の新刊を探している自分がいました。あるとき、田坂氏が主宰されていたシンクタンク(ソフィアバンクー私は上智出身なのでこの名称も縁を感じていました)の業務内容を見ていた時、インターネットで配信している情報番組を見かけ、これは!!と思い、社員にこれを研究しようとメールを送ったのですが(送ったつもりでした)、それがなんと凡ミスで田坂氏本人に届いてしまったのです。 ところが、田坂氏が待っていたというばかりに、堀田さん、お話をしましょう、という返答でした。そこから田坂先生(ここからは私は田坂氏の主宰する田坂塾の塾生ですので先生と言わせていただきます)のご著書を英訳するというお付き合いが始まりました。 先生の本(この後紹介します「Invisible Capitalism」もそのうちの一冊ですが)を英訳して世界に!というのが私の役割でした。そして、今、取り掛かっているのが『風のたより』(Zen Winds: 50 Stories of Zen Wisdom)という書籍で、来年の4月に、田坂先生がニューヨークのジャパンソサエティで「Invisible Capitalism」というタイトルの講演を行う際に配布されるそうです。 その田坂先生が刊行された今回のご著書は‘人生は、大いなる何かに導かれている’という趣旨の著書です。 今回、この著書を紹介させていただこうと考えましたのは、この本をPRしようとの意図ではありません。この本を拝見していて、この本が私のこれまでの人生を整理していただき、背中を押していただいたように感じたからであり、この本こそ私が知己を得た多くの方に読んでほしいと考えたからです。 田坂先生はこう語ります。 34年前、生死の境の大病が与えられたとき、 すると、その覚悟を定めたときから、 そして、それだけでなく、 また、さらに、人生において、 本書においては、小生の人生において起こった では、34年前、小生は、 それが、「すべては導かれている」という覚悟を軸とする 以下が先生の言われる五つの覚悟です。(各覚悟の次の行のコメントは私が加えたものです) 第一の覚悟 自分の人生は、大いなる何かに導かれている 第二の覚悟 人生で起こること、すべて、深い意味がある 第三の覚悟 人生における問題、すべて、自分に原因がある 第四の覚悟 大いなる何かが、自分をそだてようとしている そして、先生は続けます。 『それが、いかなる逆境であっても、すべては導かれているという覚悟を定めるならば、その瞬間から、我々の心の奥深くから、不思議な力と叡智が、湧きあがります。我々の人生において、不思議なことが、起こり始めます。』 田坂先生は言います。『本書においては、小生の人生において起こったその不思議な体験の数々を、初めて公に語りました。』 私も、本書に出てくる体験談をいくつかは直接聞かせていただきましたが、田坂先生の‘ぶれない仕事ぶり’の秘密は何なのかをかねがね探りたいと思っていた一人として読者の皆さんにご紹介させていただきました。 『安易な神秘主義に流されることなく、あくまでも理性的な視点から、』と本人も言っておられるように、深く納得し、こころ揺さぶられる一冊でした。 私もこの本で言われるような様々な体験してきた一人として、私自身の体験をご紹介する機会があればとそっと思います。 田坂広志略歴 The Professional Translator 第188号 ALUMNI編集室より 以上 海外からも参加できるオンライン説明会 ◆ 卒業生のキャリアカウンセリングを担当する副学長が、入学及び学習システムからカリキュラム、各種奨学金制度、修了生の活躍、修了後のフォローアップなどを総合的に説明いたします。 ◆ 海外在住の方にも参加いただけるように、インターネットweb会議システムのZoomを使って行います。 奮ってご参加ください。Zoomのやさしい使い方ガイドはこちらからお送りします。
Tomoki Hotta In this article, I’d like to introduce the recently published book All is Guided -Five Resolutions for Overcoming Adversity and Finding Purpose in Life (Shogakukan Publishing) written by Hiroshi Tasaka, who has been one of the greatest influences on my life apart from those in my workplace. I’ve known Dr. Tasaka for about 20 years now (I’ve been reading his books for almost 30 years). Our first encounter came about because of a careless mistake on my part. As the managing director for Babel in the 1990’s, Babel was – like almost all other corporations at the time – looking for ways to enter into in the global market. The keywords at that time for enterprises were global and the Internet. It was then that I realized that, every time I entered a bookstore, I was searching for Dr. Tasaka’s recently published books. One day as I was reading about the think tank that Mr. Tasaka is president of (as a graduate of Sofia University, I feel a connection to this think tank, called Sofia Bank), I came across information about an informational program Sofia Bank offered online. “Perfect!” I thought, and proceeded to send an email to staff (or so I thought) at Sofia Bank expressing my interest in learning about the program. However, I accidentally ended up sending my email to Dr. Tasaka himself! The funny thing is, it was almost as if Mr. Tasaka had been waiting for my email. He replied with an email saying he would love to talk to me. From that point on, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Tasaka sensei as Babel has translated his books into English (from here on out I would like to refer to Dr. Tasaka as Tasaka sensei since I am his student, having enrolled in his juku, or private school). My role has been to translate into English Tasaka sensei’s books, in order to share these books with the world (at some point in the future I’d like to introduce one of his books, titled Invisible Capitalism). One of Tasaka sensei’s books Babel is currently working on translating and publishing is Zen Winds: 50 Stories of Zen Wisdom. This book is scheduled to be released in April of 2018 when Tasaka sensei speaks on invisible capitalism at the Japan Society in New York. http://urx.red/HmdS As I mentioned above, in this article I’d like to introduce the recently published book All is Guided -Five Resolutions for Overcoming Adversity and Finding Purpose in Life (Japanese title is Subete wa Michibikareteiru: Gyakkyo wo Koe, Jinsei wo Hiraku Itsutsu no Kakugo). Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t some advertising pitch for Tasaki sensei’s book. I simply want to introduce this book because the ideas found on its pages helped me re-center my life and gave me great encouragement. Indeed, I’d love it if everyone I’ve come to know over the years was able to read this book. Tasaki sensei writes the following: 34 years ago, I became ill to the point of death; as I stood on the brink of despair I discovered a single strand of light. It was only then that I found the resolve to confront my adversity. Once I decided to harden my resolve, I experienced an amazing vitality which welled up within me, and it was then that I was able to overcome my illness. This new resolve for some reason sharpened my intuition and insight, and I found my life soon filled with fortune. In addition, I began to sense constellation (in other words, a sense of correlation), and that which is called synchronicity began to occur in my life. In this book, I’ve shared for the first time with the public those several mysterious experiences that occurred in my life. What did I resolve 34 years ago? I made five resolutions, all which are centered around the conviction that everything in life is guided. The following are Tasaki sensei’s five resolutions (the comments following each resolution are comments I’ve added). 1st Resolution: Your life is guided by a higher power. 2nd Resolution: All things that happen in life have a profound meaning. 3rd Resolution: All problems in our lives originate with ourselves. 4th Resolution: Some higher power is helping us to grow. 5th Resolution: You are given all the wisdom you need to overcome adversity. • Intuition: When you trust all things to a higher power and pray with a mindset of trusting all to that higher power, you’ll find a tranquility and freedom from distracting thoughts. Tasaka sensei writes the following: Wisdom doesn’t appear when you have negative thoughts. To keep from negative thoughts, you must resolve to accept that all is guided. This is because, in doing so, you affirm all things. When – no matter the adversity – you resolve to accept that all things are guided, from that moment you’ll experience a mysterious power and wisdom welling up from deep within your heart. It’s then that mysterious things begin to occur in your life. Tasaka sensei also writes, “In this book, I’ve shared with the public for the first time those mysterious experiences that have occurred in my life.” Although I’ve heard first-hand from Tasaka sensei some of the experiences he shares in his book, as one who has constantly searched to find Tasaka sensei’s secret to having an unshakable work ethic, I wanted to share this book with others. Tasaka sensei often says, “don’t be carried away by simple mysticism, but always consider things logically.” Indeed, you’ll find in this book a way of reasoning which is deeply convincing and profoundly moving. Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll be able to share my own experiences, many of which are similar to those written in this book. Hiroshi Tasaka Profile The Professional Translator 第188号 ALUMNI編集室より 以上「人生は、大いなる何かに導かれている」
出会いの大切さ、縁(Destined Encounter)の大切さを説いています。
第五の覚悟 逆境を越える叡智は、すべて、与えられる
原子力工学博士、日本総合研究所設立に参画、多摩大学大学院教授、ダボス会議を主催する世界経済フォーラムGlobal Agenda Councilのメンバー、TEDメンバー、2011年東日本大震災と福島原発事故に伴い内閣官房参与に就任、現在、21世紀の変革リーダーへの成長をめざす場「田坂塾」を開塾、全国から3,800人を超える経営者やリーダーが集まる。
著書は国内外で80冊余り。– 副学長から聞く - 翻訳専門職大学院で翻訳キャリアを創る方法
Guided by a Higher Power
Vice Chancellor
Babel University Professional School of Translation
Encounters with others are important; these are referred to as destined encounters.
How we interpret what happens in our lives is important; each experience is an opportunity for growth.
It’s important to accept all things and realize your strength of spirit.
You can always overcome adversity and grow. It’s important to have a sense of mission.
The wisdom you are given is:
• Premonition: Memory of the future.
• Constellation: The term constellation is both a psychological term and a term that refers to groups of stars; it’s having a sense of relationship or the realization that there’s a connected story among that which is seemingly unrelated.
• Synchronicity: the phenomenon of meaningful coincidences and telepathy.
• Fortune: The power to find significance or the voice guiding you in situations that seem to be mere coincidences.
Dr. Tasaka holds a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering, and participated in founding The Japan Research Institute. He’s a professor at the Graduate School of Tama University in Tokyo, and a member of the Global Agenda Council, which holds its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Dr. Tasaka is also a TED member. Following the 2011 tsunami and nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, Dr. Tasaka served as an advisor to the Japanese Cabinet Secretariat. He recently opened Tasaka juku, a school for training reform leaders in the 21st century. Over 3,800 executives and other leaders in Japan have attended this school. Dr. Tasaka has published over 80 books in Japan.