~ 既成概念からの脱却、翻訳を科学に ~
翻訳ビジネスの修士号MSTは翻訳ビジネスのMBAです。 MORE>
会社名 BABEL Corporation
設立 1996年7月
所在地 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 7400 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 US
代表者 堀田都茂樹(HOTTA Tomoki)
ホノルルオフィス(Administration Office)
500 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 7400 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 US
東京オフィス(Administration Office)
2-13-18, Kichijoji-Minamicho, Musashino, Tokyo, Japan

湯浅 美代子
“Communication is Translation. Translation is Communication.” By embracing and inheriting our founder’s spirit, the Babel University Professional School of Translation (BUPST) fulfils our mission to develop a high-quality, practical translation education program for English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English translation and provide our students with the knowledge and skills necessary for translation professionals.
We strive to empower our students to realize their full potential and enable them to contribute to individuals, societies, education, industries, nations, and the world as “bridges of communication” for sharing and exchanging information, knowledge, wisdom, and insight which surpasses culture and language barriers around the world.
In order to achieve the mission stated above, BUPST educates its students to have the following competencies with key abilities, achieved through distance learning:
Language Competence
Read and understand the source language accurately and deeply.
Write and express the target language in a stylish manner as well as in a way that is easily understood and is suited for each genre.
Read source materials and write, review, edit, proofread translated materials critically as a professional translator. Thinking critically does not mean grasping original or translated materials negatively, but rather, checking and considering the logical composition and content of the original and translated text to identify issues in translation, analyze them properly, and translate them appropriately.
Expert Competence
Develop and possess expertise in at least one area of specialization.
Develop specialized skill knowledge essential for each genre.
Acquire the techniques to research and obtain necessary information.
Cultural Competence
Understand the cultural background of the writer and the source materials.
Understand the cultural background of the target audience.
Integrate the understandings of both of these backgrounds to produce translation that will satisfy both the source and target cultures.
IT Competence
Use hardware and software applications required for translation.
Understand computer-aided translation (CAT) technology.
Acquire research skills using information technology (IT) tools.
Managerial Competence
Have fundamental knowledge of the basic legal rights of a professional translator.
Be professional regarding time management, problem solving, work efficiency, and work effectiveness.
Demonstrate sufficient ability in leadership, coordination, and collaboration to execute team-based translation projects.
Program Outcomes (Corresponding to Five Competencies)
Upon successful completion, students will be able to do the following:
Translate skillfully while considering the client’s needs, audience perception, and cultural differences of multiple countries from a professional translator’s view point. (Language, Expert, and Cultural Competencies)
Translate using specialized terminology and expressions in one’s field of expertise. (Expert Competence )
Demonstrate a high level of writing, summarizing, drafting, proofreading skills. (Language and Expert Competencies)
Analyze, assess, and judge what key points would need to be discussed and explained to the client during a translation project and propose solutions proactively in a translation project to ensure smooth execution. (Language, Expert, Cultural, and Managerial Competencies)
Correctly estimate one’s work speed in advance to manage work schedules efficiently during translation projects. (Managerial Competence)
Demonstrate a high level of research skills necessary for any translation project. (Expert and IT Competencies)
Demonstrate basic IT skills to perform translation work in a professional manner. (IT Competence)

田坂 広志

John H. Peterson
(元カリフォルニア州 教育庁私立高等教育審議局局長)
The Avant-Garde of Translation
The rapid and frequent changes in technology have created many obsolete systems, techniques, and hardware. The benefits of these changes, however, have increased communication among cultures. Unfortunately, they have been temporary due to being primarily motivated by the profit motive.
On the other hand, cultural traditions remain unchanged and it is imperative that they be passed on not only to future generations, but to other cultures, as well.
Babel has had a positive impact on the world of translation and communication in the years past. Based upon their experiences, there is opportunity to take a look back at the field of translation by studying where they have been, where they are now, and where they want to go in the future.
The concept of developing a new major, “Translating Japan,” relating to the culture of Japan should be most stimulating for Babel as well as for educational consumers. Babel has proven to be the avant-garde in the field of translation. This endeavor provides another new horizon that should communicate Japan’s heritage and legacy to the entire world, as well as to 21st century Japanese.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.” Babel is taking that action with this new endeavor.