

米国翻訳専門職大学院(USA)副学長 堀田都茂樹

コンランキング「Green 500」で世界の一位から三位を独占して、「日本イノベーター大賞」を受賞された方です。



序章  人類の未来を変える可能性を秘めた半導体
第1章 急速に近づく「前特異点(プレ・シンギュラリティ―・ポイント)」

第1項 我々は、歴史上、最も数奇なタイミングに生を受けている
第2項 レイ・カーツワイル氏が提唱する「特異点」と「6つの進化段階」
第3項 特異点到来の前に、「前特異点」が目前に迫っている
第2章 「エクサスケール・コンピューティング」によってすべてが変わる
第1項 ポスト「京」の開発が始動
第2項 すべての先進国が総力を挙げて開発を進める次世代スパコン
第3項 民間でも次世代スパコンを開発すべき理由
第3章 まずエネルギーがフリーになる
第1項 原発を止めつづけることは可能か
第2項 発電効率を大きく改善する技術
第3項 進む新エネルギーの研究開発
第4章 生活のために働く必要のない社会の出現
第1項 「衣」「食」「住」がフリーになる
第2項 「お金」から解放される
第3項 すべての個人が、あらゆる可能性を追求できる新しい社会
第5章 人類が「不老」を得る日
第1項 まったく新しい医療のかたち
第2項 肉体と技術は融合を開始する
第3項 奇蹟的なタイミングで生まれた女神
第6章 新しい価値観が生まれる
終章  我々日本人が次世代スーパーコンピュータを開発する










「我が国のみならず、世界中の人々に平和と調和がもたらさし、そして世界全体が瑞穂の国となることを希求する国民性を、約2,700年という非常に長い期間をかけて醸成してきている。これらの要件のすべてが、新しい世界を創出するために求められているのだとすれば、そのすべてを備えた、おそらく唯一の国が、我々が生まれ育まれたこの国、日本であろう 」




– 副学長から聞く - 翻訳専門職大学院で翻訳キャリアを創る方法



◆ 卒業生のキャリアカウンセリングを担当する副学長が、入学及び学習システムからカリキュラム、各種奨学金制度、修了生の活躍、修了後のフォローアップなどを総合的に説明いたします。

◆ 海外在住の方にも参加いただけるように、インターネットweb会議システムのZoomを使って行います。 奮ってご参加ください。Zoomのやさしい使い方ガイドはこちらからお送りします。


The Singular Impact of Exascale Computing on Us

Tomoki Hotta
Vice Chancellor
Babel University Professional School of Translation

The Singular Impact of Exascale Computing on Us was recently pubished by Motoaki Saito, CEO of PEZY Computing K.K. and CEO of ExaScaler Inc. (PHP Institute, Inc.). In 2015, supercomputers created by Saito’s companies were ranked as the top three supercomputers by the Green 500, a list ranking the top 500 supercomputers in the world according to their energy efficiency. Saito also received the Japan Innovators Award in 2015 for his supercomputer research and technology.

Below is the table of contents of this almost 600-page book. While only a simple outline, the table of contents provides an overall picture of the book’s content. What I want readers to focus on in particular is the final chapter, which covers Japanese and other top supercomputing engineers worldwide.

Introduction: Semiconductors which possess the ability to change the future of mankind
Chapter One: Drawing closer with lightning speed to the pre-singularity point
Section One: We live in a most peculiar time in history
Section Two: The singularity and six epochs of technology evolution proposed by Ray Kurzweil
Section Three: Prior to the advent of singularity, a pre-singularity point is imminent

Chapter Two: Exascale computing will change everything
Section One: The beginning of post-metropolis development
Section Two: Developed countries cooperating to further development of the next-generation supercomputer
Section Three: Why the private sector should also develop the next-generation supercomputer

Chapter Three: Energy free of charge
Section One: Is it possible to keep from using nuclear power plants?
Section Two: Technology that will vastly improve nuclear power plant efficiency
Section Three: Alternative energy research and development

Chapter Four: Emergence of a society with no need to work to survive
Section One: Clothing, food, housing for free
Section Two: Released from the bondage of money
Section Three: A new society where all can pursue anything

Chapter Five: The day mankind stops aging
Section One: A brand-new type of medical care
Section Two: When the physical body and technology integrate
Section Three: The miraculous timing of a goddess born

Chapter Six: Say hello to a new value system
Conclusion: The Japanese will develop the next-generation supercomputer

Looking at the table of contents, the author clearly asserts that in the next 15 to 20 years a dream world is possible through supercomputer technology. Mankind is drawing ever closer to a world where energy is free, food is readily available, where societies have no need to work, and where people are free from illness and aging (one could argue whether this is a blessing or a curse).

Saito draws from his extensive time overseas, citing the following observation of an elderly artist couple living in San Francisco.

Japanese has this certain ring that makes it the most beautiful, subtle, and gentle language out of the dozens of languages we know. Although we don’t understand the language, it always seems as though Japanese speakers are quietly checking their emotions as they seem almost to sing the language.
At first, we thought the reason for this beautiful sound was because Japanese contains more vowels than other languages. However, we soon realized that was not the only reason. European languages in particular are oftentimes hurried, sometimes even grating. Speakers clearly show their emotions through their words, causing listeners to feel almost at edge. When listening to the beautiful ring and smooth, almost flowing melody of Japanese however, one is able to maintain a calm, quiet state of mind. The language is almost divine in nature. Even if all other languages ceased to exist, we would hope that the Japanese language remain.

Although a bit taken aback by these words, I realized that what the couple was referring to is similar to what Tadashi Suzuki, professor emeritus of linguistics at Keio University, asserts. Suzuki uses the term “tatamizer effect” to explain how those who speak Japanese tend to become increasingly tranquil and magnanimous. Many overseas scholars of the Japanese language also agree with this theory.

Saito makes the following comment about the Japanese, who are endowed with this poetic language.

The Japanese – who possess the moral sense to steer use of the overwhelming capacity of supercomputers in the right direction – are able to maintain their presence of mind while obtaining outstanding results. They also – because of their altruistic mentality – have a generosity that enables them to share these results with other countries. This is why the Japanese should take the lead in proactively developing supercomputers. Japan should create results first domestically, then ensure the fruits of that technology are disseminated throughout the world.
In addition, the Japanese, which face their nation’s current condition due to the influence of major western powers, are entrusted with the great mission of rightfully compensating those countries affected by Japan’s acts of aggression during WWII.
Japan has fostered for over 2700 years a national character that longs for peace and harmony – not only for its people but also for those worldwide. Japan envisions a world of abundance and prosperity. It makes sense therefore that if these ideals are being sought after to create a new world, it should be our homeland Japan that takes the lead in making that vision a reality.

Saito concludes with the following statement. “The Japanese should therefore strive to develop the next-generation supercomputer, thus bringing about a new world.”

*A few words have been added to the above quotes to make the content easier to understand.